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The visa is the authorization granted to an foreign for entry into the national territory granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Permanence is the time during which the foreigner may be in the country.
The effect will be the time between grant date and the end date indicated on the label of the visa.
The requirements for issuing visas shall be established by ministerial order.
In Colombia, on the occasion of marriage, many foreigners come to marry and also live in Colombia, for them, the foreign needed a document called VISA, the Colombian Foreign Ministry, is in charge of issuing the document VISA, which is a standard between countries, for people in a country where no nationality or free transit, this rule legalizes income or stay of the person in this country.
It's discretionary power of the national government, based on the principle of State sovereignty authorize the entry, stay and departure of foreigners from the country. Without prejudice to the provisions of international treaties, the entry, stay and departure of foreigners from the national territory shall be governed by the provisions of Decree 0834 of 2013 and Resolucion 5477 de 2022.
For our particular case, when a foreigner (a) marry a Colombian (a), necessarily to stay in our country, you must make the process of marriage visa or visa M.
While it is true that this visa will allow the foreign spouse move freely within the territory and remain in Colombia, should also be noted that at the time the divorce is made and has the final document, that is, writing divorce, the VISA M, visa ends or is canceled, and abroad will have a time of 30 working days to process a new visa to remain in Colombia, or it will be returned to their country of origin or simply leave the country, as it would be staying illegally in Colombia.
Therefore, we advise you in the process of obtaining a new visa, according to their particular case and its credentials as a college, profession, trade, and other qualities, can advise how best Visa for you, to According to what you want to stay practicing in Colombia, and how long they want to.
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